Events: 0 Events/sec: 0

Hit "Step" to advance once. Hit "Run" to advance lots.

If you want to see the big (fast) picture, suggest you set:

Then hit "reset" and "run"

Single-stepper / Event-mode

In event mode the edges are simulated as channels with a single buffer slot. When a node sends, a copy is placed in all channels (and it turns green). If any outgoing edge currently has a message, then the source node will be unable to send until that message is received by the target (i.e. that node is blocked).

Batch stepper

The batch stepper will ignore channel buffers, and allow a device to send its message and immediately call the send handler on all target devices. All devices that are ready to send get a chance to send one message in each frame. This is a lot faster to simulate, but is less realistic in terms of messages and blocking.